20 year old college student

20 year old college student

I feel like my boobs look weird because one’s bigger than the other, always been so insecure about it 🙁

What do you guys think? Take it easy on me 🙂

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41 Comments for 20 year old college student

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  1. ET on May 4, 2023: (Reply)

    Nice boobs

  2. randy on October 6, 2022: (Reply)

    there so damn sexy,,i it was my wifes boobs

  3. Eddie on October 5, 2022: (Reply)

    Need to lose a lot of weight

  4. jayz on October 5, 2022: (Reply)

    it takes guts to show them….. holy cow

  5. Hungbwc4u41425@gmail.com on October 5, 2022: (Reply)

    They are perfect. Hmu and I’ll show you what I’d lay between them. You are fucking gorgeous

  6. Nick on October 4, 2022: (Reply)

    Lovely natural tits
    Very sexy
    Must agree with a earlier comment would like to see your nipples hard
    It’s only fair we are all hard x

  7. Anonymous on October 3, 2022: (Reply)


  8. Chrissy. on October 3, 2022: (Reply)

    It’s perfectly natural ,mine are the same.

    • Tobik on October 5, 2022: (Reply)

      Mayby you show them? 😛

  9. Bill on October 3, 2022: (Reply)

    I like them!

  10. Liguy32 on October 3, 2022: (Reply)

    I love your boobs! I’d like a closer look at your nipple. Please send to liguy32@mail.com

  11. Anonymous on October 3, 2022: (Reply)

    Your beautiful and sexy , you should be proud of your sexy Boobs , and show them off . Hope you keep posting

  12. Fred on October 3, 2022: (Reply)

    Very sexy boobs, they turned us on!! Drop us an email if you’d like to exchange photos

  13. Rw on October 2, 2022: (Reply)


  14. Tobik on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

    Here is my e-mail: pracownik-wg@wp.pl
    I’d love to meet you. If you have a spare moment please write to me. Thank you for the pleasure you gave me with your photo

  15. Mr. Annon on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

    Boobs aren’t typically symmetrical, you have one arm longer than they other, one foot foot bigger than the other and one boob bigger than the other.

    That being said, someone on here is going to wet themselves over your cans. It doesn’t mean you have a nice rack.

  16. Anonymous on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

    Asymmetry is part of nature

  17. Mark on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

    Absolutely beautiful big natural breasts

  18. Tobik on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

    Thank you for pic! They are incredibile. I’d love to have your email and chat with you. It is possibile?

  19. Anonymous on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

    Those are beautiful! Care to trade some pics with my gf and I? Kmartnj@hotmail.com 

  20. TC on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    Sorry…for 20 years old (doubtful) that’s a fucking mess. Get your body where it needs to be.

  21. SayNo2Fatties on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    All these delusional comments, the girl will be lucky to live to see 40 being this obese already! This kind of thing is the exact reason we have an obesity epidemic in this country. Truth hurts, but if you don’t start taking care of yourself right away, you can look forward to a heart attack or stroke in the very near future!

    • Natural big titties girl not the poster on October 4, 2022: (Reply)

      Just because a girl has huge saggy boobs does not mean she is obese. You shouldn’t make assumptions or judge her as that unless she posts a full frontal. Fat is not having big tits, its having a big belly, fat hanging off of arms, chubby legs. Some girls also have a disorder that makes it so their boobs don’t stop growing too. She could be a relatively skinny girl that just distributes most of her fat in her boobs. So you are just being an A hole!

    • Rich on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

      Good advice Doc!

    • Say yes 2?fatties … love them !! on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

      Ok Dr Phil …. Go back under your rock that you reside at …. You just have a small penis complex ..

  22. Anonymous on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    Love your big hangers

  23. glenn on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    most people have things they don’t like about themselves. you look really good. don’t be to hard on yourself.

  24. Dark side on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    Tits that big, I don’t think anyone will complain when they have a face full. Bet they would look hot bouncing around while your riding my hard cock!!!

  25. Happy on October 1, 2022: (Reply)


  26. Anonymous on October 1, 2022: (Reply)


  27. rabbit on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    they are perfect and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful body

  28. Anonymous on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    They are uneven but they’re huge so be proud. I’d suck on them for hours and give them so much love

  29. Erik on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    I love them. They are natural and so beautiful. The different sizes is a turn on for me. I would love to wake up next to you and those boobs every morning.

  30. Big papi on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    I love your boobs. I would be happy to keep you warm my dear

  31. Anonymous on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    They are definitely unique but very attractive. I’d love to motorboat them!

  32. I like big boobs, can’t deny !!! on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    Beautiful !!! Post more !!!

  33. Likumbig on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    Nope even smaller boobs are the same way nope ce set

  34. Rrw on October 1, 2022: (Reply)


  35. Beth on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    There’s nothing wrong with you. You’ve got a fantastic pair of tits. Plus it means you can choose big or bigger when you fancy a suck.

    • Friendly Neighborhood Boob Inspector on October 2, 2022: (Reply)

      Hello Beth, what do your titties look like? Please send pics of yourself. My email is midwestmind17@aol.com.

  36. Anonymous on October 1, 2022: (Reply)

    This is actually quite normal. Be thankful for what you have. and by the way what you do have is really beautiful.

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