Nice, nice tits and absolutely wonderful nipples. Too bad I’m old enough to be your father, and limited in abilities, but I can still give proper treatment to tits.
Haha, one of our swinging dates said he could do chin ups off them. I’ve never seen them not hard; even in pics from before I met her, in the 70’s, you could see her nips through her top.
Not bad? Those breast’s are nicer than most 20 year olds, you got me as hard as those nipples would love to see those tit’s swinging while I pound you from behind.
What do you mean “ Not bad for a Grandma”? Ima Grampa X5 w/ obviously stiffer, stiffer, stiffer, stiffer and then Stiffer than you! Sender my way “limpy” I’ll put-her on my pedestal!
You can swing them in my face all day love the hard pink nipples
Friendly Neighborhood Boob Inspector on
August 25, 2024:
Love your big Grandma tits and nice pointy nips. Please send me more private pics of yourself. My email is Hope to see them soon.
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